
Blog Posts

  • A First Look at Poetry
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Poetry

    Learn how Poetry simplifies Python development by consolidating common tools for managing dependencies and environments efficiently.

  • A First Look at Dashmate
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Dashmate

    A beginner friendly tutorial for running a local version of Dash Platform with Dashmate. Includes creating an identity, data contract, and documents.

  • A First Look at Dash
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Dash

    Dash is a cryptocurrency launched in 2014 that aims to be a convenient, fast, and private digital cash platform that is suitable for everyday transactions.

  • Autogenerate Show Notes with Whisper.cpp, Llama.cpp, and Node.js
    Blog post cover art for Autogenerate Show Notes with Whisper.cpp, Llama.cpp, and Node.js

    End-to-end scripting workflow to generate automatic show notes with LLMs from audio and video transcripts using Whisper.cpp, Llama.cpp, and Commander.js.

  • Some Advice for How to Learn ChatGPT
    Blog post cover art for Some Advice for How to Learn ChatGPT

    Another AI opinion piece, this time about how someone should approach learning about ChatGPT so they can use it most effectively.

  • The Implications of ChatGPT for DevRel
    Blog post cover art for The Implications of ChatGPT for DevRel

    An opinion piece about the implications of ChatGPT on the workflows and careers of Developer Advocates and how they can best utilize it.

  • A First Look at tRPC
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at tRPC

    tRPC is a TypeScript library for building end-to-end, type-safe APIs. It creates fully typed endpoints on the backend which are queried from a frontend client.

  • A First Look at SolidStart
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at SolidStart

    SolidStart is a project starter and metaframework for SolidJS that provides a first-class way to build and deploy SolidJS applications.

  • A First Look at create-t3-app
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at create-t3-app

    create-t3-app is a fullstack, typesafe React framework with Next.js, tRPC, Prisma, and Tailwind deployed on Vercel and Fly.

  • Does Remix Scale?
    Blog post cover art for Does Remix Scale?

    Zach Leatherman recently put out a provocative benchmark to compare different web frameworks on the speed at which they can generate a static site.

  • A First Look at IPFS
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at IPFS

    IPFS is a protocol defining a cryptographic-hashed and content-addressed peer-to-peer filesystem for directories and files.

  • Storing NFT Information with Fauna
    Blog post cover art for Storing NFT Information with Fauna

    Learn how to create and deploy a Solidity smart contract to an Ethereum testnet, mint an NFT, and store NFT information in a Fauna database.

  • A First Look at Ethers and Hardhat
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Ethers and Hardhat

    This example uses Hardhat and Ethers to compile a smart contract written in Solidity and deploy that contract to an Ethereum test network with Alchemy.

  • Querying MongoDB with Prisma and Railway
    Blog post cover art for Querying MongoDB with Prisma and Railway

    Learn how to deploy and host a MongoDB database with Railway and query data by connecting to the database with Prisma Client.

  • A First Look at Astro
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Astro

    Astro is a web framework that supports the Islands Architecture and includes integrations for React, Svelte, Vue, Solid, and many more.

  • What is Partial Hydration?
    Blog post cover art for What is Partial Hydration?

    Hydration converts static HTML into dynamic pages with client-side JS. Partial hydration only hydrates the components of an app that need to be interactive.

  • How to Display a Custom Daily Greeting
    Blog post cover art for How to Display a Custom Daily Greeting

    Learn how to use JavaScript to create a custom daily message displaying a different greeting depending on the day of the week.

  • A First Look at Oak
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Oak

    Oak is a middleware framework for Deno's native HTTP server and Deno Deploy inspired by Koa. In this tutorial we build an Oak REST API deployed on Deno Deploy.

  • A First Look at Nuxt 3
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Nuxt 3

    Nuxt is a Vue metaframework for building performant web applications while maintaining an intuitive developer experience.

  • Why I'm Hung Up on the Term Fullstack
    Blog post cover art for Why I'm Hung Up on the Term Fullstack

    What is the definition of fullstack? An examination of when it is or isn't appropriate to categorize something as fullstack.

  • Three Ways to Deploy a Serverless GraphQL API
    Blog post cover art for Three Ways to Deploy a Serverless GraphQL API

    How to deploy Apollo Server and GraphQL Yoga on serverless functions with Netlify Functions, Serverless Framework, and AWS Amplify.

  • A First Look at Pulumi
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Pulumi

    Pulumi provides open source infrastructure as code SDKs for creating, deploying, and managing infrastructure on multiple clouds in multiple languages.

  • A First Look at GraphQL Helix
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at GraphQL Helix

    GraphQL Helix is a runtime agnostic collection of utility functions that helps you build your own GraphQL API and HTTP server.

  • Deploy a GraphQL Server with Docker and Fly
    Blog post cover art for Deploy a GraphQL Server with Docker and Fly

    Learn how to create a GraphQL server with Node.js and Express, build an image of the server with Docker, and deploy the container to Fly.

  • A First Look at AWS Fargate
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at AWS Fargate

    Fargate is an AWS service for dockerizing applications and running containers on ECS without managing servers or clusters of EC2 instances.

  • Deploy a Docker Container on AWS Lambda
    Blog post cover art for Deploy a Docker Container on AWS Lambda

    This example uses the Serverless Framework to deploy and query a Node.js server running in a Docker container on AWS Lambda.

  • A First Look at Serverless Cloud
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Serverless Cloud

    Serverless Cloud is a new serverless app platform from Serverless, Inc. Unlike the Serverless Framework, it lives on a new hosting service in the cloud.

  • A First Look at KeystoneJS
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at KeystoneJS

    KeystoneJS is a CMS for developers that provides a GraphQL API & Management UI for content and data based on your schema.

  • A First Look at Slinkity
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Slinkity

    Slinkity is a frontend component framework that uses Vite to bring dynamic, client side interactions to your static Eleventy sites.

  • A First Look at Fly
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Fly

    Fly is a platform for fullstack applications and databases build with Dockerfiles or Buildpacks that need to run globally.

  • A First Look at GitHub Actions
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at GitHub Actions

    GitHub Actions can be used to automate, customize, and execute software development workflows from within a GitHub repository.

  • A First Look at PostGraphile with Railway
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at PostGraphile with Railway

    PostGraphile builds a GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema that automatically detects information such as tables, columns, indexes, and relationships.

  • A First Look at Docker
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Docker

    Docker is a set of tools that deliver software in isolated packages called containers that bundle their software, libraries and configuration.

  • A First Look at Azure Functions
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Azure Functions

    Azure Functions is an event-driven compute platform that manages deploying and maintaining servers and can be used to create serverless API endpoints.

  • Deploy Node on Digital Ocean with PM2
    Blog post cover art for Deploy Node on Digital Ocean with PM2

    Learn how to create a backend Node.js server and deploy it on Digital Ocean with a popular Node process manager called PM2.

  • A First Look at the Serverless Framework
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at the Serverless Framework

    The Serverless Framework consists of an open source CLI and a hosted dashboard. We will create a boilerplate Node Lambda handler and deploy it to AWS.

  • A First Look at React 18 with Vite and Netlify
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at React 18 with Vite and Netlify

    Learn how to create a boilerplate React app with Vite, upgrade the application to React 18, and deploy the app to Netlify.

  • Edge GraphQL with Cloudflare Workers
    Blog post cover art for Edge GraphQL with Cloudflare Workers

    Learn how to build and deploy a GraphQL server on the edge with Apollo GraphQL, Cloudflare Workers, Webpack, and Wrangler.

  • A First Look at Architect
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Architect

    Architect is an Infrastructure as Code framework for provisioning build artifacts. It provides a compact syntax that compiles down to CloudFormation.

  • A First Look at Amplify with Vite
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Amplify with Vite

    AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services to help frontend web and mobile developers build scalable fullstack applications with AWS infrastructure.

  • A First Look at Remix
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Remix

    Remix is a React metaframework created by Ryan Florence and Michael Jackson. It primarily uses standard web APIs and is built on React Router.

  • A First Look at Cloudflare Workers
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Cloudflare Workers

    A Cloudflare Worker runs JavaScript on Cloudflare's edge servers. A Cloudflare Service Worker specifically handles HTTP traffic.

  • A First Look at AWS SAM
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at AWS SAM

    AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) is an open-source framework for building serverless applications with a shorthand syntax for common cloud resources.

  • A First Look at AWS CDK
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at AWS CDK

    AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) is a framework for defining cloud infrastructure in code and provisioning it through AWS CloudFormation.

  • Can I Use MongoDB with Prisma Yet?
    Blog post cover art for Can I Use MongoDB with Prisma Yet?

    MongoDB is a database. It does stuff with data and then puts it in a base. Prisma now lets you do that without writing MongoDB stuff.

  • A First Look at Cloudflare Pages
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Cloudflare Pages

    Cloudflare Pages is a Jamstack platform for frontend developers to collaborate and deploy websites by syncing a GitHub repo and building a static frontend.

  • How to Query the Rick and Morty GraphQL API
    Blog post cover art for How to Query the Rick and Morty GraphQL API

    Learn how to use a GraphQL API by querying the Rick and Morty GraphQL API with curl, the Fetch API, graphql-request, and Apollo Client.

  • TypeScript Generics
    Blog post cover art for TypeScript Generics

    A Socratic dialogue about the nature and purpose of TypeScript Generics. Generics are a way to prepare types for the unknown.

  • Notes on ES Modules with Chantastic
    Blog post cover art for Notes on ES Modules with Chantastic

    A collection of examples from Michael Chan (Chantastic) demonstrating static and dynamic imports, export lists, and import aliases.

  • A First Look at Vite
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at Vite

    Vite is a frontend build tool and open source project created by Evan You that increases development speed and serves native ES modules with ESBuild & Rollup.

  • Semantic GitHub
    Blog post cover art for Semantic GitHub

    A semantic pull request lets you tell others about changes you've pushed to a branch but in a way that actually means something.

  • GraphQL Caching
    Blog post cover art for GraphQL Caching

    Since the GraphQL specification aims to be as general as possible, caching has been considered out-of-scope for the spec itself.

  • A First Look at SvelteKit
    Blog post cover art for A First Look at SvelteKit

    SvelteKit is a serverless first Svelte metaframework for building web applications with filesystem-based routing and multiple rendering modes.

  • Why Do So Many Musicians Become Programmers?
    Blog post cover art for Why Do So Many Musicians Become Programmers?

    Before becoming a web developer, I spent nearly a decade as an aspiring professional musician and music teacher. Does that have anything to do with programming?

  • Crypto Constitutions
    Blog post cover art for Crypto Constitutions

    Digital governance is not simply a technical challenge. It is a communicative, sociological, and distinctly human challenge.

  • The Potential of Web3
    Blog post cover art for The Potential of Web3

    An explanation of the goals and ambitions of web3 developers and the potential of web3 technology to create a sustainable structure for open source projects.